Our Pixel methods have been designed for large scale climbable sculpture with the intent of creating urban test pieces relevant to place.

Basquiat - NYC - (USA)

Goya - Madrid - (ESP)

Ash Darq - Byron Bay - (AUS)

Basquiat- NYC - (USA)

Hieronymus Bosch - Amsterdam - (NL)

Drag Me Up The Wall - Santa Barbara - (USA)

Sanie Bokhari - NYC - (USA)

D’ale - LA - (USA)

Ben Meyer - Berlin - (DE)

Soma Garner- Sydney - (AUS)

Horse - Newstead - (AUS)

Gregory Beylarian - LA - (USA)

Jennie West - NYC - (USA)

Maria Cristina Eguiluz- Caracas - (VENZ)

Tom Dunn- LA - (USA)

Harrison Buchanan- Melbourne - (AUS)

Lauren May - Melbourne - (AUS)

Laine Stewart- Melbourne - (AUS)

Santiago MacAuliffe- Berlin - (DE)

Sam Leach- Melbourne - (AUS)

Vexta - NYC - (USA)

Elle - NYC - (USA)

Stephan Balleux - Brussels - (BE)

Angela Chauvin - Melbourne - (AUS)


1/ Natural rock (as far as we know) never intended to be climbed. It is time and environmental factors that create problems that must be discovered by humans.

1a/ Humans use the choreography of modular holds to create movement with the same skill set and equipment as climbing natural rock.


As a climber - Is it possible to create boulder problems from artificial materials that are not choreographed and must be discovered like in natural rock.

As an artist - What are the climbable qualities of a painting? Like a rock, a painting is not created with the intent of being climbed. Could this be the source of new bouldering?

As a facilitator - How can movement enhance sculpture?

Answer - Through techniques using 2d and 3d programs we can extract climbable features from a painting and using cnc cutting and then certain types of fabrication we can climb the result at a variety of scales.

Why collaboration? It is important that the source material is generated in a way that is true to the intent of the project. It was never meant to be climbed.

The Collaborations - BGD has collaborated with many artists on a 4 sided generic sculpture to test this theory. One render from each artist is shown below. All this information is in 3D and is ready to be processed and climbed.

Why Test Pieces? - Problems of significant value are called test pieces. We see the potential of these being used as public art that boulderers will travel to pass the presented test.

The sculpture acts like a natural boulder where new problems, link ups and variations will be discovered continually expanding the potential engagement with the sculpture.